Capa 51 peqREMHU Magazine n. 52, 2017: "RIGHT TO THE CITY: SEGREGATION AND STRUGGLES FOR CITIZENSHIP". All articles are available at e

Issue 52 of REMHU, the Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Mobility, has just been published with a dossier on the subject: "Right to the city: segregation and struggles for citizenship". All the articles are available on the SciELO Brazil website (

Check out the summary below:


Migrants' and refugees' right to the city - Roberto Marinucci


Supporting families with disabled children in migration disputes. Scenarios including Bologna - Emanuela Bini

Brazilian perceptions of the process of cultural adaptation to Japan - Jesselyn Nayara Tashima, Cláudio Vaz Torres

Confronting the dominant discourse: remesas under the prism of the Mexican experience - Raúl Delgado Wise, Selene Gaspar Olvera

Reports and Reflections

Mediation strategies in the integration process between immigrants and the local church. Experience of intercultural gay pastoral care in the Czech context - Milva Caro

Reviews, Theses and Dissertations

Brazilians in the United States - Half a century (re)making America (1960 - 2010) - Alanni de Lacerda Barbosa de Castro, Alvaro Eduardo de Castro Lima



REMHU 52 v2

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