PROMOTING LIFE AT THE BORDERS with Cyntia Sampaio and Professor Rose Jaji

We present a new special season of the Migração em Foco podcast. This series of special episodes are intended to disseminate the debates that will take place at the II International Conference PROMOTING LIFE AT THE BORDERS: Civil Society Advocacy in the protagonism of migrants and refugees and their right to have rights that will take place in Tijuana Mexico from March 21 to 23, 2023. 

The objective is to promote stories, reflections, and debates on the performance of civil society in promoting the protagonism of migrants and refugees. The idea of these episodes is to seek three different perspectives on the subject, a perspective of Civil Society institutions, an academic perspective, and a perspective of migrants.

This episode was conducted by Cyntia Sampaio, a social worker who has been involved with some prominent international organizations and NGOs dealing with the protection of vulnerable groups, specializing in migrants and refugee populations over the years. She holds a Master’s Degree in Intercultural Relations from the University of Oldenburg, Germany. Besides that,  She conducted two studies on migration policies implemented in Brazil. The first one is about the Institutionalization process of the Municipal Policy for the Immigrant Population established by the municipality of São Paulo (2019), and the second one was on the role of the advocacy work made by civil society in the making of the new migration law recently approved (2020).

And, following the proposal from an academic perspective, our guest is Professor Rose Jaji, a senior researcher at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS). Her research areas of interest are migration/refugees and conflict and peacebuilding. She has published peer-reviewed articles on migrants/refugees and gender, refugees and social technology, identity, asylum seekers, border crossing, return migration as well as gender and peacebuilding. She is the author of Deviant Destinations: Zimbabwe and North to South Migration (Lexington Books, 2020) and the forthcoming book Non-migration amidst Zimbabwe’s Economic Meltdown (Lexington Books, 2023).

Our partners:

Universidad Iberoamericana de Tijuana, Instituto Madre Assunta, Fundación Scalabriniana de Roma,  Scalabrinianas Misión con Migrantes y Refugiados de Cidade do México y el Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados – México, Weltkirche, MISEREOR y ADVENIAT.

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