In this first volume of the history of hermanas
missionaries of San Carlos, Scalabrinians, which covers the period
1895-1934, hermana Lice Maria Signor patiently dedicated herself to
teach, in an attractive and documented way, the historical path of the
mscs congregation and it does so in various aspects: social, economic,
political, cultural, ecclesial and religious. His commitment to
search for the elements to build our history and show how
the existence of the congregation of mscs sisters, is a path
missionary history of evangelical service to migrants, which has been
hizo encarnación de las palabras de Jesucristo: Era peregrino y me
acogisteis (Matthew 25:35).
The elements that emerge from this work illuminate in a way
particular to congregational life and mission in its migrant hacerse
with migrants. The experience, perseverance and audacity that
marked the lives of our sisters who made history until
1934, encourage and impel the Scalabrinian missionaries to seek,
today, creative forms of fidelity to the following of Jesus Christ and of
performance of the scalabrinian charism. A retrospective look at
to give thanks, to contemplate, to take up again, reviving the dialog between
charisma y realidad y abriéndose a los nuevos y pertinentes desafíos
of the migratory phenomenon, which constitute new areopagi
for the ecclesial vision.