Because it is the way to get in touch with the past, historical research becomes
imperative requirement for the deepening of the identity of a people and an institution.
The author, hermana Lice Maria Signor, with the same enthusiasm, commitment, love and historical and scientific knowledge that produced the first volume of this collection, has
dedicated to writing the second volume of the history of the missionary sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, Scalabrinians, from 1934 to 1971. It accurately and comprehensively describes the historical context of the time, contextualizing the reality of the church, the promulgation of its documents and, with special attention to the time, the historical path taken by the Congregation during these 37 years.
The study of this phase reveals gaps in the expression and experience of charisma, whether in the
dimension of spirituality, or in the aspect of mission. Carefully traversing this historical time, we also identify periods of return to the origins of the Congregation, characterized by insistent calls to deepen the spirituality of the founder, Juan Bautista Scalabrini, the dissemination of his life and work, and the life and work of the co-founders, Mother Assunta Marchetti and Father José Marchetti.