In the celebration of our congregation's 120th anniversary, we have yet another reason for praise, with the publication of the third volume of the MSCS history trilogy, written by Sister Lice Maria Signor, a missionary of St. Charles Borromeo Scalabriniana.

This third volume provides information and readings that reveal the pathways of a fairly recent historical period, which many of us know because it is part of our own present history.

In fact, many will be able to read their names in the book, others will find narratives that are already familiar to them because they have heard their co-sisters share their journeys and the stages of their lives in these trajectories; but all of them will be able, in reading these pages, to learn more about our history, to identify with each other, to grow in belonging to our institute, to be enchanted by what is ours and at the same time to be enthusiastic about living our consecrated and missionary life and, above all, to love this part of the Church more, which is the ecclesial place that the Lord has prepared for us to grow in our vocation and mission.

DOI: doi.org/10.61301/978-85-87823-26-7.2015.v05.447p

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