Federal University of Santa Catarina welcomes first refugee students, those applying for refugee status or those with humanitarian visas through a specific selection process
By Miguel Pachioni | 9 Sep 2022
Florianópolis, September 9, 2022 - At the end of August there was an important new beginning in the life of Venezuelan Douglas Ávila, who is once again in the process of changing his address. He intends to leave the temporary residence run by the city of Florianópolis (SC), where he is currently sheltered due to his vulnerable situation, to live in the student housing of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
Douglas, 54, was accepted onto the university's Geography course through a specific call for applications for refugees and migrants, launched by UFSC this year, with the support of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
With a degree in Languages in Venezuela and no computer, Douglas decided to use public institutions in the capital of Santa Catarina to study, using virtual tutorials and books from libraries. The result is that he has already been welcomed into the new academic environment and has started classes with other students.
"It's up to us to decide the path we're going to build for our own lives. Sometimes, hitting rock bottom, with almost no hope, gives you the strength to raise your head, set your goals and achieve them," says the freshman.
In addition to Douglas, seven other refugee students, refugee applicants and humanitarian visa holders were approved by the public notice for this population, which seeks international protection and shelter in Brazil.
The reception was welcomed by the Dean of Graduation and Basic Education (Prograd), Dilceane Carraro, the general coordinator of the Institutional Program of Pedagogical Support for Students (Piape/CAAP/PROGRAD), Janaína Santos, the director of Affirmative Actions and Equity (Proafe), Marilise Sayão, and the director of Student Permanence of the Dean of Student Assistance (Prae), Cláudia Santos.
The Federal University of Santa Catarina is part of the group of 34 higher education institutions that make up the UNHCR Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair. Although the selection process for refugee students was launched this year, UFSC already has a long history of working on behalf of this population.
"UFSC, as a public, free and quality university, offers a series of benefits to its students with a view to their permanence and the quality of their training processes. This incoming group is entitled, like everyone else, to these student policies which are fundamental to democratizing access to higher education," says Professor Janaina Santos, coordinator of the CSVM at UFSC.
In addition to supporting refugee students, the UFSC works towards community inclusion, providing pedagogical support and reception courses in Portuguese for these new students, promoting psychological assistance and documentation, access to means of study and relevant information for the local integration of new students - including in the field of employment.
Referrals for jobs are also offered by the university, which also provides legal assistance to resolve legal issues in Brazil.
"For all these aspects of attention and care for the refugee population, those applying for refugee status and migrants, UFSC has established itself as a reference for continuous welcome and integration, integrating solid actions in the areas of teaching, research and extension developed inside and outside the academic sphere," says Maria Beatriz Nogueira, head of the UNHCR office.
About the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair - The institutional relationship between the UNHCR and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Brazil began in 2003, through the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair (CSVM). This is a cooperation agreement in which the UNHCR establishes a Term of Reference with universities, establishing responsibilities and criteria for joining the initiative within the three lines of action: teaching, research and extension.
Currently, 34 public and private universities located in 13 states are part of the CSVM. In addition to disseminating university teaching on issues related to International Refugee Law, the Chair also aims to promote academic training and the qualification of teachers and students on the subject. Working directly with refugees in outreach projects is also a top priority, as is the process of entering and re-entering universities through specific calls for proposals.
This year's National Seminar of the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair will be held at UFG on September 28 and 29. More information can be found on the UNHCR's CSMV page: www.acnur.org.br/catedra-sergio-vieira-de-mello.
Source: acnur.org