The drafting of this document has been the fruit of the reflection that has been taking place in our region for more than 20 years, from the different geographical spaces and territories that have been key to coordinating care for people on the move, and which specifically corresponds to the initiatives known as "Tex-Mex", which brings together bishops and pastoral workers from the border dioceses of the United States and the border dioceses of Mexico, and the "Encuentros de Obispos y Agentes de Pastoral de la Frontera del Sur de México y Centroamérica" together with bishops from the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
This Pastoral Letter aims to be an instrument to guide pastoral actions for work in our local churches, but it is also a call to become aware that, due to the behavior of the migratory phenomenon, its pastoral approach requires considering its regional character and therefore defining strategies that are increasingly linked to coordination between the Episcopal Conferences of the countries that make up our region.