Voces y experiencias de la niñez y adolescencia venezolana migrante en Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú

The publication of "Voices and experiences of migrant Venezuelan children and adolescents in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru" is part of the institutional effort of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) to understand and transform these realities. The data show that around 3 million Venezolans have left the country in recent years, of which 2 million have settled in other Latin American and Caribbean countries. A quarter of these are children and adolescents. It is therefore important to focus on this population, on these subjects. It is essential to understand and get to know their common needs for protection, care and safeguarding, as well as their capacities and potentials based on the various profiles that cut across them.

The document is nourished by testimonies that recount the narratives of children and adolescents about the experience of migration and also reflect the harsh reality they face, always intersectionalized by gender, ethnic belonging, class and ways of life, among other dimensions. The testimonies not only support the findings, but also constitute living accounts that bring together a collection of more than 40 voices which, on their own, reveal the conclusions to which the study subsequently rises and the recommendations it makes.

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