REMHU Magazine n. 52, 2017: "RIGHT TO THE CITY: SEGREGATION AND STRUGGLES FOR CITIZENSHIP". All articles are available at e
Issue 52 of REMHU, the Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Mobility, has just been published with a dossier on the subject: "Right to the city: segregation and struggles for citizenship". All the articles are available on the SciELO Brazil website (
Check out the summary below:
Migrants' and refugees' right to the city - Roberto Marinucci
La città-rifugio: una declinazione dell'accoglienza tra solidarietà e autonomia - Filippo Furri
The construction of a political subject: migrants and the struggle for housing in Buenos Aires - Luciana Vaccotti
Haitian and Bolivian migrants in the city of São Paulo: economic transformations and migrant territorialities - Luís Felipe Aires Magalhães, Lúcia Maria Machado Bógus, Rosana Baeninger
"You have to look good to sell": Senegalese production of sales spaces in Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) - Filipe Seefeldt de Césaro, Maria Catarina Chitolina Zanini
A Muslim infrastructure of arrival in Rio de Janeiro - Tilmann Heil
Si la champa se hunde, yo no me ahogo. The Afro-Colombian people: from deterritorialization to Afrourban territories - Santiago Ramírez Sarabia
Managing migration and urban diversity in Mexico City: a critical reflection on the Interculturality Law - Roberta Marzorati, Giovanna Marconi
A bus as public space. Multiculturalism and urban ethnography in Milan - Paola Briata, Massimo Bricocoli, Martina Bovo
Behind the patterns of settlement: interrogating the spatial distribution maps of regional migrants in the Gran Buenos Aires agglomeration - Gabriela Mera
Supporting families with disabled children in migration disputes. Scenarios including Bologna - Emanuela Bini
Brazilian perceptions of the process of cultural adaptation to Japan - Jesselyn Nayara Tashima, Cláudio Vaz Torres
Confronting the dominant discourse: remesas under the prism of the Mexican experience - Raúl Delgado Wise, Selene Gaspar Olvera
Reports and Reflections
Reviews, Theses and Dissertations
Brazilians in the United States - Half a century (re)making America (1960 - 2010) - Alanni de Lacerda Barbosa de Castro, Alvaro Eduardo de Castro Lima